Building a Culture of Continuous Learning: The Key to Employee Retention
January 16, 2025
Master Builders of Iowa is the recognized leader of the construction industry in the state of Iowa. Founded in 1912, MBI is one of 89 chapters of the Associated General Contractors of America, the most influential and widely respected construction association in the country. MBI’s members perform the majority of the state’s commercial, industrial, and public works building projects. The association provides its members with a comprehensive array of educational, safety, environmental, labor, legal, professional development, and legislative services.
Companies that are considered MBI’s Essential Partners have contributed over $5,000 in sponsorships to Master Builders of Iowa in the past year. These companies are an important part of our success and we couldn’t do it without them!
Helmets are the latest and greatest in head protection PPE making way for a discussion if they are required by OSHA. We will take a short trip into the OSHA requirements, the ANSI standards, and best practices regarding head protection.
Attendees will take a deep dive into the different types of Root Cause analysis, Alert Risk Assessment, SIF Analysis, Corrective action tracking, and Indirect cost analysis.
This class builds upon our Beginners course and allows users to use some of the advanced and time saving features with Word, along with creating professional documents for their team.
Our training meets the Work Zone Specialist Requirement and Flagger Operation Requirements; a certificate will be issued upon successful completion of class requirements. Work Zone Specialist Certification is valid for 4 years, based on MUTCD and EPG Standards.
Our mobile app can help simplify your life by providing you with all of our information in a format that maximizes usability on the go. This re-launched offering features all the basics currently available on the website, while also incorporating access to MBI’s Training Vault.