Master Builders of Iowa is the recognized leader of the construction industry in the state of Iowa. Founded in 1912, MBI is one of 89 chapters of the Associated General Contractors of America, the most influential and widely respected construction association in the country. MBI’s members perform the majority of the state’s commercial, industrial, and public works building projects. The association provides its members with a comprehensive array of educational, safety, environmental, labor, legal, professional development, and legislative services.
MBI’s mission is to be the essential resource for improving member performance and promoting a business environment favorable to the construction industry.
For over a century, volunteer leaders have guided this association with a firm commitment to the industry and vision for the future, while developing a strong tradition in which MBI members are giving of themselves to contribute their time, talent, and energy to the organization. This tradition of dedicated leadership and time honored commitment to the industry is the cornerstone of the Master Builders of Iowa.
To acknowledge and recognize the milestone, a compilation of one-hundred “Did You Know” facts and accomplishments over the course of a century are presented in a publication. MBI would like to give our sincere thanks and gratitude to all the members, who over the course of time, have shaped and molded this association into what it is today and what it continues to be for generations to come. Click here to read the 100 year publication.