Building Bridges, Not Barriers


  • Dec 09, 2025 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM


  • Online Learning - Zoom
Fee Type of Fee

Presenter: Janel Haynes, Master Builders of Iowa - West Des Moines, IA

Both employers and employees benefit when there is a feeling of trust at work. Gaining trust is a two-way street. Nobody will trust you if you don’t trust them. You earn it by giving it.

Not only can trust help to build and maintain strong working relationships, but it can set a good precedent for many aspects of a workday - from teamwork and collaboration to employee performance. Knowing you can be confident in your leadership team and peers, and that they can also trust you in return, can boost motivation and engagement in your work.  

But this is easier said than done! Join us for this webinar where you will learn why trust is essential in the workplace, steps you can take to cultivate it, things to avoid so trust is not broken, and methods to repair trust once it has been compromised. Get ready to embark on a journey that will not only transform your approach to teamwork and leadership but also empower you to create a workplace culture where trust thrives, and success follows naturally.