Site Security in 2025: What You Need to Know


  • Mar 11, 2025 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM


  • Online Learning - Zoom
Fee Type of Fee

Presenter: Luke Longman, Construction Safety Specialists, Inc. – West Des Moines, IA

The strategies for determining your site security plan must be dynamic in the fast-paced, ever-changing construction sites of today. This course is designed to discuss and revisit basic themes and ideas for each site, including emergency action plans, anti-theft efforts from equipment manufacturers, as well as security best practices. Additionally, this session will explore the new challenges in the workplace after the pandemic, which includes the emerging issue of workplace violence. We will discuss programs for organizations and the need for them, as well as de-escalation training and your individual company’s policy for reporting and follow-up. Today, political and social agendas are eliciting demonstrations and actions from groups in large numbers. Now, it is more crucial than ever that a company’s response to these events should be discussed beforehand. Each of the above listed challenges will be explored from the point of view of an insurance company, law enforcement and the business owner(s).