The Human and Financial Costs of Substance Misuse in the Workplace


  • May 20, 2025 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM


  • Online Learning - Zoom
Fee Type of Fee

Presenter: Cal Beyer, SAFE Project - Maple Valley, WA

The prevalence of substance misuse and substance use disorders is rising. Research pinpoints 75% of adults experiencing an untreated substance use disorder are in the workforce.” The National Safety Council reports on average 1 in 12 workers (8.5 percent) have a substance use disorder. The rate in the construction industry is almost double at 15%. Substance misuse has tragic human consequences and costly financial impacts on employers.

Learn how to de-stigmatize substance misuse and learn new methods to remove barriers for people in need to seek and accept help. The workplace can provide a safety net for those individuals slipping between the cracks with a caring culture and resources, including Employee Assistance Programs, Employee Benefits and support services. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the Causes, Consequences, Costs, and Counter-Controls for Substance Misuse in the Workplace
  • Learn How to use the Substance Misuse Cost Calculator by the National Safety Council
  • Learn How to Overcome Stigma with Substance Misuse and How to Break Down Barriers to Care in the Workplace 
  • Identify How to Talk to Employees and Share Resources about Addiction Treatment and Recovery.