Safety needs have long been an essential component to the array of services that MBI provides to its members. Through Construction Safety Specialists Inc. (CSSI) – MBI’s preferred safety provider, members have access to a wide array of services as CSSI’s approach to safety focuses on three areas: the worker, the project, and the company.

From the perspective of the worker, MBI and CSSI team up to provide Training on Demand to meet specific needs of each employee. CSSI professionals provide a full complement training to address nearly every aspect of safety on a job site. Through CSSI, safety consultants can also provide your company and employees an assessment of your current safety program and give you a perspective on what your company is doing right and where improvements need to be considered.

The MBI and CSSI partnership can also provide your company with an entire complement of services for a specific project or job site. Through the WORKSAFE program, CSSI safety professionals can provide comprehensive services through pre-construction meetings and periodic job site audits that meet the safety oversight of the project. The “coach and not a cop” philosophy resonates with the WORKSAFE approach.

Meeting a client’s comprehensive safety needs is also an area in which MBI and CSSI have been able to create safety solutions. Through client-specific retainers, CSSI safety professionals are able to develop customized plans to dedicate time and expertise to an individual company. These plans integrate job site inspections as well as training curriculums exclusive to a particular company’s needs. 

Through a comprehensive approach that addresses the employee, the job site and the entire company, MBI and CSSI are well positioned to be your best safety solution.

CSSI Training Guide 2024-25